(CNN) Police release unmasked photo … United Healthcare CEO shooting; Cracking the Case

(CNN) Police release unmasked photo of person wanted for questioning in CEO shooting. Quoting,

Among the interviews they’ve been conducting, law enforcement interviewed a female employee at the hostel who said, at one point, she asked the then masked man to lower his mask while flirting with him — which is when the photos released by the New York Police Department today were captured, the official said.

This indicates that  the suspect is more than normally communicative, inclined to engage a stranger when a less socially capable individual would isolate.


Law enforcement sources told CNN “depose” was written on a shell casing from a round that was fired into the victim. “Delay” was written on a live round that was ejected when the shooter appeared to be clearing a jam.

This indicates the suspect has a grudge,  common when healthcare insurance denies coverage perceived as life-saving for a fatal disease.

The social nature of the suspect implies that he inevitably verbalized his discontent to others. In combination with the photo,  and the likely region of residence, this implies a clue soon to drop.

An important clue as to his identity may shortly come from someone who knows him.

Google Search: United Healthcare denies claims.




South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol’s martial law decree and reversal

(CNN) Calls grow for South Korea’s president to resign after martial law chaos.

There has been widespread comment at the political ineptitude of the move. About the motivation of Yoon Suk Yeol, there are these possibilities:

  • He simply wanted to subvert democracy in South Korea, which is currently in legislative deadlock.
  • The current North Korea vibe gives  him really bad nerves.
  • He thinks he knows something.
  • He actually knows something.

In the past few months, some analysts have seen disturbing preparations by the  North. See also (BBC) Man in US charged with allegedly shipping weapons to N Korea.  Despite the problematic presidency of Yoon Suk Yeol,  the fourth possibility should not be dismissed.

Is there a hair-trigger mechanism in place, subject only to the whim of Kim Jong Un? This question cannot be answered by open-source.

President Elect Trump should be aware of the circumstances that preceded the Korean War. Quoting  from (National Archives) US Enters the Korean Conflict,

However, the entry of the United States into the conflict signaled a reversal of policy toward Korea. Although it backed the government of Syngman Rhee, the United States had begun withdrawing its troops from South Korea in 1948. As late as January of 1950, Secretary of State Dean Acheson had implied that the Korea Peninsula lay outside the all-important “defense perimeter” of the United States, a statement that some took to mean that the United States would not defend the ROK from communist attack.

Some historians fault Acheson for tipping Stalin’s judgement. What lurked in Stalin’s head we will never know, but it’s plausible.

***Be careful what you say***




SLOPPY CNN: “US Commerce Ministry”

(CNN) China hits out at latest US effort to block Beijing’s access to chip technolog.y. Quoting,

On Monday, the US Commerce Ministry announced curbs on the sale of two dozen types of semiconductor-making equipment and restrictions on numerous Chinese companies from accessing American technology.

There is a little problem with this.  There is no US Commerce Ministry.

We do have the  U.S. Department of Commerce.

Wait till the U.S. Parliament hears about this!


EDIT: As of 2 p.m., this has been corrected.

The Way We Were

(click to enlarge)

Once, most of us were  rabbits. With the distance of time, we imagine we were happy. Want to go back? You can’t.

Except, possibly, tomorrow. If you try really hard with the trick of the imagination.

***Try hard***

“Live at 5. Shocking News About Rabbit.” Digital, Artrage.

Intel9.us Up After a 4 Day Outage; Note to CNN & David Zaslav

For those with Machiavellian inclinations, the host provider story is here: https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=gkg.net%2C%20inc.

CNN, before you upend the lives of hundreds of faithful employees, you should seek both internal and EXTERNAL advice.

Positive change can come fast: Though Rome wasn’t built in a day, Mark Zuckerberg wrote the original Facebook in a month.

“Things are never as bad or as good as they seem.”

Tony Hsieh, Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose


See also Att David Zaslav; Warner Bros. Discovery signals rapid deterioration of television business, sending stock

and Att: David Zaslav; Future of CNN

Iran’s Next Move? The SAM Trap

(CNN) Iran says it is ‘entitled’ to defend itself after Israel attacks .

If Iran chooses to continue the cycle of retaliation, it may choose to obtain hostages. With note that the psychological effect of hostages is disproportionate to numbers, one way to obtain them is the SAM trap.

The canonical approach to deep penetration involves:

  • Disabling of radars with HARM missiles.  Since the AGM-88 HARM does not currently fit in the  internal weapons bay  of an F-35,  non-stealth aircraft may have been used, a potential vulnerability to the trap.
  • Interdiction and destruction of command/control, missile launchers, and aircraft runways with weapons delivered by stealth aircraft.
  • Deployment of heavy, short range munitions, such as bunker-busters and glide bombs. The non-stealth F-15E has the maximum ordinance load of Western attack aircraft. The role of the F-35 may include some light penetrators.

The above is subject to modification by advanced technologies. For example, if the precise location of a non-transmitting radar site is known, it can be attacked by other means.

This multi-phase tactic is vulnerable to spoofing. A trap consists of a desirable target, surrounded by defenses that appear to have been neutralized, but are actually operational. Decoys and hidden backups are also used.

The prize: a few Israeli pilots, to serve as a decades-long irritation. Taking hostages  is part of the culture.





(SLOPPY CNN) Telescope… will be a ‘game-changer’ for astronomy; Dark Matter Baloney

(CNN) Telescope with world’s largest digital camera will be a ‘game-changer’ for astronomy. Quoting,

Under construction since 2015, the telescope is named after pioneering American astronomer Vera Rubin, who died in 2016 and, among other achievements, first confirmed the existence of dark matter — the elusive substance that constitutes the majority of the matter in the universe, but has never been observed.

Big error! The existence of dark matter is unproven. Competition includes a variety of theories collectively referred to as modified gravity. Vera Rubin herself did not exclude alternative explanations;  neither she nor the theoreticians who followed have, to this day, been able to determine what dark matter is made of — if it exists at all.

Rubin  did not confirm  the existence of dark matter. She was what we call an experimentalist, the first to systematically observe that galaxies rotate faster than predicted according to Einstein’s theory of general relativity. Preceded by Fritz Zwicky, it naturally occurred to her that missing, invisible mass might be responsible. But while Einstein’s theory is well tested on the scale of the solar system, benchmarks are lacking that would enable testing on galactic scale. Alternatives remain viable.

The article contains these errors of fact, procedure, and philosophy:

  • Conflation of popularity of a theory with scientific truth.
  • Failure to consult diverse sources.
  • Failure to acknowledge the essential role of skepticism in scientific inquiry.

What’s left? The story of a new scientific instrument, named after a woman who spent her life seeking elusive truth. To honor her, honor the quality of her mind.

See Bad news for dark matter: This data doesn’t fit at all, for an explanation of one aspect of the controversy by one of my favorite YouTubers, Sabine Hossenfelder.

At least it’s not as bad as this: Sloppy CNN; Earth’s core has slowed so much it’s moving backward, scientists confirm. Here’s what it could mean.





(Axios) Pro-Iranian account leaks alleged U.S. intel on Israel’s attack plans; Iran’s Superstrength Concrete

(Axios) Pro-Iranian account leaks alleged U.S. intel on Israel’s attack plans. Quoting,

The alleged report details measures that have been carried out in recent days at several Israeli Air Force bases, including the transfer of advanced munitions which, according to the report, were intended for an attack on Iran.

Superstrength concrete was developed in the U.S. in the early       1960’s for construction of missile silos.  Various additives, such as polymers and quartz can produce a concrete many times stronger than the basic mix of lime and aggregate. The most basic additive is plastic; many other additives, such as carbon fiber, can be included. See polymer concrete.

Some estimates suggest that Iran has continued development of this material, and now has the most advanced concrete technology in the world. This poses an issue for U.S. non-nuclear bunker-buster munitions; some estimates put Iran’s nuclear facilities beyond the range of bunker-busters, due to a combination of mountainous overburden and superstrength concrete.

Bunker-busters are old technology. Even the rocket-accelerated kind, designed for carriage on tactical aircraft, descends from British bombs developed in World War II. But there is some suggestion that within the past decade, some programs in this area have gone black.

Quoting from (CNN) Leaked documents show US intelligence on Israel’s plans to attack Iran, sources say ,

Another US official said that “these two documents are bad, but not horrible. The concern is if there are more.”

Knowledge of what Iranian structures are vulnerable to U.S. conventional bunker busters, some of which may be in black development, is critical indeed.

It appears this information was leaked, not sold. The risk of leaks is greatest when there is associated moral ambiguity. While there is little ambiguity of public opinion towards Iran, public opinion displays a significant Gaza dissonance. A skilled operator driven by conscience is very hard to catch.



(CNN) Plans to execute Robert Roberson paused after judge approves restraining order just 90 minutes before his scheduled execution

(CNN) Plans to execute Robert Roberson paused after judge approves restraining order just 90 minutes before his scheduled execution.

In the U.S., a person can be convicted and executed for murder via circumstantial evidence — without witnesses to the crime. The quality of this form of evidence can vary widely.

The uniqueness of fingerprints has been claimed to be as high as one in  64 billion. This has come into judicial  question with the observation that there is no uniquely established way to compare them.  It depends upon the expert. Nevertheless, if we divide the uniqueness by an arbitrary million, we get 64,000, still useful as circumstantial evidence.

DNA, another form of circumstantial evidence, also relies on experts. As with fingerprints, admissibility was established by common  law precedent.  The human genetic code is more unique than fingerprints, which are actually determined by DNA. Alas, DNA has a drawback. The molecule is extremely stable, resistant to sterilization methods for pathogens. Unlike fingerprints, DNA can travel, contaminating objects distant from the source. Hence, labs use disposable plastic containers and tools. Improper collection techniques can implicate the innocent.

Despite the debates, which center around one-in-a-million versus one-in-a-billion, these are reliable, well studied tools, which obey the law of large numbers. The shortcomings are largely removed by the judicial process. What remains would be worrisome in  isolation.

Fortunately, the justice system does not rely exclusively on technical methods. The  gold standard is the testimony of witnesses. It is frequently supplemented by other forms of circumstantial evidence. These include expert testimony, which encapsulates technical expertise that, unlike fingerprints and DNA, have not been validated as standard tools.

Robert Roberson was convicted of shaking his child, causing her death. The conviction relied on  expert testimony that the injuries were caused by shaking, not by a fall from a bed. Expert testimony which is not validated by the law of large numbers is frequently contradicted by other experts, with spectacle in the courtroom.

It satisfied the jury. Should it? If the testimony of experts were validated in the same way as fingerprints and DNA, you would have to shake 64,000 babies, and drop another 64,000. The question before all of Texas is not whether it is likely Roberson is guilty. It is whether he is guilty “beyond reasonable doubt.”

Neither is it about the correctness of judicial procedure. By gun or by needle, Texas is cavalier about human life. Let the justice who believes justice has been served throw the switch.

Intel9's world view
