Monthly Archives: March 2025
AI for Dummies, in Bite-Size Pieces, Part 2 ; Something for your Dreams
This is something different. It’s impossible for my small blog to compete with the heightened anxiety of politics. So what follows are nibbles for you to devour in catnaps or bedtime. Recall that Western thought was originally encapsulated in a subject called philosophy. It was pushed aside by modern science, with these derisive observations:
- For the most part philosophical theories are in divergent disagreement.
- Of the philosophies that have survived displacement by science, none of them can be proved or disproved.
- In 2000 years, the philosophers couldn’t make a car.
The major antagonist of philosophy has been the king of sciences, physics. Physics has hit multiple stone walls lately, with a lack of new testable theories to extend the frontiers. In consequence, some branches of physics have taken on a philosophical character, with theories that are, at least for the present, untestable, allowing philosophy to regain respectability.
Physicists have stubbornly hoped that some subjective qualities, such as consciousness, would ultimately be explained as physics. The rise of AI has left that hope in the dust. Instead, the rise of AI has resulted in a serious revival of philosophy, as it attempts to grapple with questions that rigorous mathematics cannot. The nibbles for your dreams:
Can a computer or program be truly intelligent, or merely an excellent mimic?
If a computer can be intelligent, what are the crucial features?
If it can’t, why not?
If it can or can’t, does it make any practical difference to human users?
Is there anything special about our brains and AI?
Does “true” AI rely on mechanisms that exist in another world?
Is consciousness merely associated with intelligence, or is it an essential part?
Can a computer be conscious? If so, what makes it conscious?
If it can be conscious, does it possess a soul? Does it have free will?
Is existence of a mind the same as consciousness?
Is the arrow of time — “time marches on” — a fiction of our minds?
Is it possible that consciousness creates the Universe, rather than the other way around?
The greatest minds of today are in broad disagreement. This gives us ignoramuses the opportunity to be as foolish as we choose. You may wish to first look at
- AI for Dummies, in Bite-Size Pieces, Part 1
- DeepSeek and the AI Bubble; Napkin Calculation Part 2
- Davos: T-18 Years and Counting; Blade Runner, Coming to a World Near You, particularly Davos Address 5
while you could skip DeepSeek and the AI Bubble; Napkin Calculation.
To be continued shortly. Sweet dreams!